Alina Gorghiu: Nu mai înregistrăm niciun caz de refuz al predării fugarilor

Ministrul Justiţiei, Alina Gorghiu, a declarat luni că nu mai înregistrăm niciun caz de refuz al predării fugarilor şi în prezent, 1845 de persoane extrădate sau predate execută pedepse în penitenciarele din România. Ea a mai spus că din 2020 până în prezent au fost aduse în România 2600 de persoane faţă de care era dispusă urmărirea internaţională dintre care 2547 în baza mandatelor europene de arestare.
Ministrul Justiţiei a spus că subiectul fugarilor din România că ”ultimii ani au dat rezultate deosebite în acest sens în relaţia cu numeroase ţări”.
”Nu mai înregistrăm niciun caz de refuz al predării. În trecut, aşa cum cunoaşteţi, un motiv important pentru genul acesta de refuz erau condiţiile proaste din penitenciare. În prezent, direcţia pe care o urmează procedurile legale pe fugar este favorabilă României, pentru că, aşa cum ştiţi, în ultima perioadă foarte mulţi fugari au fost predaţi României indiferent care este numele acestora. În sute de cazuri, ANP- ul a avut un rol important pentru că a oferit garanţii prin intermediul Ministerului Justiţiei, cu privire la condiţiile de detenţie care vor fi asigurate persoanelor care fac obiectul acestor proceduri de întoarcere în ţară. Eu le transmit de fiecare dată tuturor celor care fug din ţară că mai devreme sau mai târziu tot în sistemul penitenciar din România îşi vor executa pedeapsa, însă vă asigur că vom fi la fel de activi ca şi până acum, sau din ce în ce mai activi”, a spus Gorghiu.
Ea a precizat că vineri a fost publicat pe site-ul minister rezultatul procedurii de selecţie în cee ace priveşte desemnarea magistratului de legătură cu Republica Franceză, iar România avea doi magistraţi de legătură până acum, iar Italia era unul dintre ei.
”Apreciez maniera în care cooperarea judiciară în materie penală între România şi Italia funcţionează în ultimele luni”, a mai spus ea. Ministrul a menţionat că efortul poate fi văzut şi prin intermediul cifrelor şi a precizat că din 2015 p7nă în 2023 au fost transferate în România în vederea executării pedepsei 8.162 de persoane.
”Anul acesta, până la 10 octombrie 2023, avem aduse în România 621 de persoane, 604 în baza mandatului European de arestare. Din 2020 până în prezent (..) au fost aduse în România 2600 de persoane faţă de care era dispusă urmărirea internaţională dintre care 2547 în baza mandatelor europene de arestare. (..) În prezent, 1845 de persoane extrădate sau predate execută pedepse privative de libertate în penitenciarele din România, dintre acestea, 880, adică foarte multe, au fost aduse în ţară graţie garanţiilor pe care Ministerul de Justiţiei, prin intermediul ANP le-au prezentat autorităţilor din statele unde erau fugite”, a mai spus Gorghiu.
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13 aug, 04:43

Building a Powerful Online Reputation for Home Overhaul
Marketing your property for funds and renovating residences for gain are usually a very efficient way to produce revenue in the real estate market. However, it requires meticulous organization and readiness. With the right strategies, you can boost your opportunities of success and achieve considerable profits. In that article, let's examine in thoroughly the steps you need to take to offer your home promptly for cash and revolve homes for profit.
Initially, it is very crucial to evaluate the marketplace price of your respective estate before offering it for funds. Understanding its price will help you set an appropriate asking value and develop informed decisions usually in the offering journey. feel free to assess your property's sector price by engaging a professional evaluator, comparing your property to comparable estates that have already recently traded in your region, or using online valuation resources which include Redfin.
As soon as you're faced with determined your home's sector price, its vital to price it properly. Determining a price which undervalued can cause in monetary shortfall, while costing it overvalued may cause to a lengthy offering process. To avoid these challenges, set a reasonable cost matching the present marketplace climate. Consulting a housing agent for his or her advice on the optimal price for your home will be advantageous.
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Preventing Frequent Downfalls in Wholesaling e603a4b
Initially, it is very crucial to evaluate the marketplace price of your respective estate before offering it for funds. Understanding its price will help you set an appropriate asking value and develop informed decisions usually in the offering journey. feel free to assess your property's sector price by engaging a professional evaluator, comparing your property to comparable estates that have already recently traded in your region, or using online valuation resources which include Redfin.
As soon as you're faced with determined your home's sector price, its vital to price it properly. Determining a price which undervalued can cause in monetary shortfall, while costing it overvalued may cause to a lengthy offering process. To avoid these challenges, set a reasonable cost matching the present marketplace climate. Consulting a housing agent for his or her advice on the optimal price for your home will be advantageous.
Should you wanna read more about this particular matter check up a blog:
does bankruptcy stop repossession throughout Atlanta Georgia and South Fulton GA 30268
Preventing Frequent Downfalls in Wholesaling e603a4b
13 aug, 04:43

Building a Powerful Online Reputation for Home Overhaul
Marketing your property for funds and renovating residences for gain are usually a very efficient way to produce revenue in the real estate market. However, it requires meticulous organization and readiness. With the right strategies, you can boost your opportunities of success and achieve considerable profits. In that article, let's examine in thoroughly the steps you need to take to offer your home promptly for cash and revolve homes for profit.
Initially, it is very crucial to evaluate the marketplace price of your respective estate before offering it for funds. Understanding its price will help you set an appropriate asking value and develop informed decisions usually in the offering journey. feel free to assess your property's sector price by engaging a professional evaluator, comparing your property to comparable estates that have already recently traded in your region, or using online valuation resources which include Redfin.
As soon as you're faced with determined your home's sector price, its vital to price it properly. Determining a price which undervalued can cause in monetary shortfall, while costing it overvalued may cause to a lengthy offering process. To avoid these challenges, set a reasonable cost matching the present marketplace climate. Consulting a housing agent for his or her advice on the optimal price for your home will be advantageous.
Should you wanna read more about this particular matter check up a blog:
does bankruptcy stop repossession throughout Atlanta Georgia and South Fulton GA 30268
Preventing Frequent Downfalls in Wholesaling e603a4b
Initially, it is very crucial to evaluate the marketplace price of your respective estate before offering it for funds. Understanding its price will help you set an appropriate asking value and develop informed decisions usually in the offering journey. feel free to assess your property's sector price by engaging a professional evaluator, comparing your property to comparable estates that have already recently traded in your region, or using online valuation resources which include Redfin.
As soon as you're faced with determined your home's sector price, its vital to price it properly. Determining a price which undervalued can cause in monetary shortfall, while costing it overvalued may cause to a lengthy offering process. To avoid these challenges, set a reasonable cost matching the present marketplace climate. Consulting a housing agent for his or her advice on the optimal price for your home will be advantageous.
Should you wanna read more about this particular matter check up a blog:
does bankruptcy stop repossession throughout Atlanta Georgia and South Fulton GA 30268
Preventing Frequent Downfalls in Wholesaling e603a4b
13 aug, 04:43

Building a Powerful Online Reputation for Home Overhaul
Marketing your property for funds and renovating residences for gain are usually a very efficient way to produce revenue in the real estate market. However, it requires meticulous organization and readiness. With the right strategies, you can boost your opportunities of success and achieve considerable profits. In that article, let's examine in thoroughly the steps you need to take to offer your home promptly for cash and revolve homes for profit.
Initially, it is very crucial to evaluate the marketplace price of your respective estate before offering it for funds. Understanding its price will help you set an appropriate asking value and develop informed decisions usually in the offering journey. feel free to assess your property's sector price by engaging a professional evaluator, comparing your property to comparable estates that have already recently traded in your region, or using online valuation resources which include Redfin.
As soon as you're faced with determined your home's sector price, its vital to price it properly. Determining a price which undervalued can cause in monetary shortfall, while costing it overvalued may cause to a lengthy offering process. To avoid these challenges, set a reasonable cost matching the present marketplace climate. Consulting a housing agent for his or her advice on the optimal price for your home will be advantageous.
Should you wanna read more about this particular matter check up a blog:
does bankruptcy stop repossession throughout Atlanta Georgia and South Fulton GA 30268
Preventing Frequent Downfalls in Wholesaling e603a4b
Initially, it is very crucial to evaluate the marketplace price of your respective estate before offering it for funds. Understanding its price will help you set an appropriate asking value and develop informed decisions usually in the offering journey. feel free to assess your property's sector price by engaging a professional evaluator, comparing your property to comparable estates that have already recently traded in your region, or using online valuation resources which include Redfin.
As soon as you're faced with determined your home's sector price, its vital to price it properly. Determining a price which undervalued can cause in monetary shortfall, while costing it overvalued may cause to a lengthy offering process. To avoid these challenges, set a reasonable cost matching the present marketplace climate. Consulting a housing agent for his or her advice on the optimal price for your home will be advantageous.
Should you wanna read more about this particular matter check up a blog:
does bankruptcy stop repossession throughout Atlanta Georgia and South Fulton GA 30268
Preventing Frequent Downfalls in Wholesaling e603a4b
13 aug, 04:43

Building a Powerful Online Reputation for Home Overhaul
Marketing your property for funds and renovating residences for gain are usually a very efficient way to produce revenue in the real estate market. However, it requires meticulous organization and readiness. With the right strategies, you can boost your opportunities of success and achieve considerable profits. In that article, let's examine in thoroughly the steps you need to take to offer your home promptly for cash and revolve homes for profit.
Initially, it is very crucial to evaluate the marketplace price of your respective estate before offering it for funds. Understanding its price will help you set an appropriate asking value and develop informed decisions usually in the offering journey. feel free to assess your property's sector price by engaging a professional evaluator, comparing your property to comparable estates that have already recently traded in your region, or using online valuation resources which include Redfin.
As soon as you're faced with determined your home's sector price, its vital to price it properly. Determining a price which undervalued can cause in monetary shortfall, while costing it overvalued may cause to a lengthy offering process. To avoid these challenges, set a reasonable cost matching the present marketplace climate. Consulting a housing agent for his or her advice on the optimal price for your home will be advantageous.
Should you wanna read more about this particular matter check up a blog:
does bankruptcy stop repossession throughout Atlanta Georgia and South Fulton GA 30268
Preventing Frequent Downfalls in Wholesaling e603a4b
Initially, it is very crucial to evaluate the marketplace price of your respective estate before offering it for funds. Understanding its price will help you set an appropriate asking value and develop informed decisions usually in the offering journey. feel free to assess your property's sector price by engaging a professional evaluator, comparing your property to comparable estates that have already recently traded in your region, or using online valuation resources which include Redfin.
As soon as you're faced with determined your home's sector price, its vital to price it properly. Determining a price which undervalued can cause in monetary shortfall, while costing it overvalued may cause to a lengthy offering process. To avoid these challenges, set a reasonable cost matching the present marketplace climate. Consulting a housing agent for his or her advice on the optimal price for your home will be advantageous.
Should you wanna read more about this particular matter check up a blog:
does bankruptcy stop repossession throughout Atlanta Georgia and South Fulton GA 30268
Preventing Frequent Downfalls in Wholesaling e603a4b
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