Harta Universului. Noi date despre proprietăţile energiei întunecate

| 09 ian, 2014

O nouă hartă extrem de exactă a Universului oferă noi informaţii despre proprietăţile energiei întunecate, misterioasa forţă despre care se crede că impune extinderea accelerată a Universului, conform SPACE.com.

O echipă de cercetători din cadrul proiectului de cercetare BOSS (Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey) a determinat distanţele până la galxii aflate la peste 6 miliarde de ani lumină distanţă, cu o marjă de eroare de 1%, o măsurătoare de o acurateţe fără precedent.

"Nu există prea multe lucruri în viaţa noastră de zi cu zi de care puteam fi siguri cu o marjă de eroare de doar 1%", a precizat într-un comunicat de presă David Schlegel, fizician la Laboratorul Naţional Lawrence Berkeley şi coordonator al proiectului BOSS. "Acum cunosc dimensiunile Universului mai bine decât le ştiu pe cele ale casei în care locuiesc", a mai adăugat el, scrie Agerpres.

Echipa care lucrează în cadrul proiectului BOSS a reuşit să cartografieze locaţiile a peste 1,2 milioane de galaxii şi a descoperit că această măsurătoare confirmă ideea existenţei unei "constante cosmologice" - o idee ce a fost lansată de Albert Einstein - şi anume că energia întunecată a rămas constantă de-a lungul istoriei Universului.

"Încă nu înţelegem ce este energia întunecată, dar putem să-i măsurăm proprietăţile", a declarat Daniel Eisenstein, astronom la Universitatea Harvard şi participant la proiectul BOSS. "Apoi, comparăm valorile obţinute cu cele pe care ne-am fi aşteptat să le obţinem, în funcţie de nivelul nostru actual de înţelegere a Universului. Cu cât măsurătorile sunt mai exacte, cu atât putem afla mai multe".

Noile măsurători, prezentate de David Schlegel miercuri, cu ocazia celei de-a 223-a conferinţe a Societăţii americane de Astronomie, ne oferă de asemenea şi una dintre cele mai bune determinării ale curburii spaţiului. Pe scurt, Universul pare să fie foarte "plat" - ceea ce înseamnă că geometria sa poate fi foarte bine descrisă de geometria euclidiană - în care două linii paralele nu se intersectează niciodată, iar suma unghiurilor oricărui triunghi este egală cu 180 de grade.

"Unul dintre motivele pentru care înţelegerea formei Universului este foarte importantă este că un Univers plat are implicaţii cu privire la presupusul caracter infinit al Universului. Acest lucru înseamnă - că deşi nu vom putea niciodată să stabilim cu certitudine că nu va ajunge la un sfârşit - că este probabil ca Universul să se extindă la infinit în spaţiu şi timp. Rezultatele noastre susţin ipoteza unui Univers infinit", a mai precizat Schlegel.

Pentru a obţine aceste date, echipa BOSS foloseşte un spectrograf (un instrument pentru înregistrarea prin fotografiere a spectrului luminii) instalat pe un telescop din cadrul Observatorului astronomic Apache Point din New Mexico.

"Într-o noapte senină, când toate condiţiile sunt optime, putem adăuga peste 8.000 de galaxii şi de quasari pe harta noastră", a susţinut şi Kaike Pan, coordonatorul echipei de astronomi care lucrează direct cu spectrograful.

De asemenea, prin compararea măsurătorilor privind deplasarea galaxiilor din vecinătatea Căii Lactee cu noile date obţinute cu ajutorul spectrografului, cercetătorii vor putea evalua expansiunea în timp a Universului.

Energia întunecată este o formă de masă-energie a cărei existenţă a fost demonstrată doar teoretic şi care este răspândită în întreg Universul. Această formă de energie exercită o presiune negativă, generând o forţă care se comportă ca o gravitaţie de sens opus (repulsivă). Astfel, energia întunecată ar putea explica accelerarea expansiunii Universului. Conform unor calcule realizate în 2008, Universul ar fi constituit în proporţie de 73% din energie întunecată, 23% din materie întunecată, în timp de materia ordinară cu care suntem obişnuiţi şi din care suntem formaţi, reprezintă restul procentual.


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Aviator Crash Game by Pragmatic Play

Aviator Crash Game, brought to you by the innovative game developer Pragmatic Play, is an electrifying and fast-paced title that combines elements of chance and strategy. This thrilling crash game takes players on a suspenseful ride as they attempt to predict the optimal moment to cash out before the plane crashes. With its sleek design, engaging gameplay, and the potential for substantial winnings, Aviator has become a standout in the world of crash games.


Pragmatic Play, a leading name in the iGaming industry, is the genius behind Aviator Crash Game. Renowned for delivering top-notch gaming experiences, Pragmatic Play has a stellar track record of creating captivating and fair games. The development team, led by CEO Julia Gomes, comprises skilled professionals dedicated to pushing the boundaries of online gaming. Aviator is a testament to their commitment to providing players with innovative and thrilling gaming options.


Aviator boasts a visually striking design, with a sleek and user-friendly interface that enhances the overall gaming experience. The game is set against the backdrrop of a bustling airport runway, complete with a countdown timer that builds anticipation as players await the outcome of each round.

The plane takes center stage, and its ascent becomes increasingly suspenseful as the multiplier rises. The crash is accompanied by intense visual and audio effects, immersing players in the excitement of the game. The minimalistic yet stylish design ensures that players can easily navigate the interface, focusing on the crucial decision of when to cash out.

How to Play

Playing Aviator is straightforward, making it accessible to players of all experience levels. To start, players place their bets on the multiplier they believe the plane will reach before crashing. As the plane ascends, the multiplier increases in tandem. The key decision players fac
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Aviator Crash Game by Pragmatic Play

Aviator Crash Game, brought to you by the innovative game developer Pragmatic Play, is an electrifying and fast-paced title that combines elements of chance and strategy. This thrilling crash game takes players on a suspenseful ride as they attempt to predict the optimal moment to cash out before the plane crashes. With its sleek design, engaging gameplay, and the potential for substantial winnings, Aviator has become a standout in the world of crash games.


Pragmatic Play, a leading name in the iGaming industry, is the genius behind Aviator Crash Game. Renowned for delivering top-notch gaming experiences, Pragmatic Play has a stellar track record of creating captivating and fair games. The development team, led by CEO Julia Gomes, comprises skilled professionals dedicated to pushing the boundaries of online gaming. Aviator is a testament to their commitment to providing players with innovative and thrilling gaming options.


Aviator boasts a visually striking design, with a sleek and user-friendly interface that enhances the overall gaming experience. The game is set against the backdrrop of a bustling airport runway, complete with a countdown timer that builds anticipation as players await the outcome of each round.

The plane takes center stage, and its ascent becomes increasingly suspenseful as the multiplier rises. The crash is accompanied by intense visual and audio effects, immersing players in the excitement of the game. The minimalistic yet stylish design ensures that players can easily navigate the interface, focusing on the crucial decision of when to cash out.

How to Play

Playing Aviator is straightforward, making it accessible to players of all experience levels. To start, players place their bets on the multiplier they believe the plane will reach before crashing. As the plane ascends, the multiplier increases in tandem. The key decision players fac
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Aviator Crash Game by Pragmatic Play

Aviator Crash Game, brought to you by the innovative game developer Pragmatic Play, is an electrifying and fast-paced title that combines elements of chance and strategy. This thrilling crash game takes players on a suspenseful ride as they attempt to predict the optimal moment to cash out before the plane crashes. With its sleek design, engaging gameplay, and the potential for substantial winnings, Aviator has become a standout in the world of crash games.


Pragmatic Play, a leading name in the iGaming industry, is the genius behind Aviator Crash Game. Renowned for delivering top-notch gaming experiences, Pragmatic Play has a stellar track record of creating captivating and fair games. The development team, led by CEO Julia Gomes, comprises skilled professionals dedicated to pushing the boundaries of online gaming. Aviator is a testament to their commitment to providing players with innovative and thrilling gaming options.


Aviator boasts a visually striking design, with a sleek and user-friendly interface that enhances the overall gaming experience. The game is set against the backdrrop of a bustling airport runway, complete with a countdown timer that builds anticipation as players await the outcome of each round.

The plane takes center stage, and its ascent becomes increasingly suspenseful as the multiplier rises. The crash is accompanied by intense visual and audio effects, immersing players in the excitement of the game. The minimalistic yet stylish design ensures that players can easily navigate the interface, focusing on the crucial decision of when to cash out.

How to Play

Playing Aviator is straightforward, making it accessible to players of all experience levels. To start, players place their bets on the multiplier they believe the plane will reach before crashing. As the plane ascends, the multiplier increases in tandem. The key decision players fac
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Aviator Crash Game by Pragmatic Play

Aviator Crash Game, brought to you by the innovative game developer Pragmatic Play, is an electrifying and fast-paced title that combines elements of chance and strategy. This thrilling crash game takes players on a suspenseful ride as they attempt to predict the optimal moment to cash out before the plane crashes. With its sleek design, engaging gameplay, and the potential for substantial winnings, Aviator has become a standout in the world of crash games.


Pragmatic Play, a leading name in the iGaming industry, is the genius behind Aviator Crash Game. Renowned for delivering top-notch gaming experiences, Pragmatic Play has a stellar track record of creating captivating and fair games. The development team, led by CEO Julia Gomes, comprises skilled professionals dedicated to pushing the boundaries of online gaming. Aviator is a testament to their commitment to providing players with innovative and thrilling gaming options.


Aviator boasts a visually striking design, with a sleek and user-friendly interface that enhances the overall gaming experience. The game is set against the backdrrop of a bustling airport runway, complete with a countdown timer that builds anticipation as players await the outcome of each round.

The plane takes center stage, and its ascent becomes increasingly suspenseful as the multiplier rises. The crash is accompanied by intense visual and audio effects, immersing players in the excitement of the game. The minimalistic yet stylish design ensures that players can easily navigate the interface, focusing on the crucial decision of when to cash out.

How to Play

Playing Aviator is straightforward, making it accessible to players of all experience levels. To start, players place their bets on the multiplier they believe the plane will reach before crashing. As the plane ascends, the multiplier increases in tandem. The key decision players fac