Lansarea ADN-ului artificial, o premieră pentru România

| 23 mai, 2013

Procedeul de utilizare a ADN-ului artificial, un mijloc modern de combatere a infracţionalităţii, va fi lansat vineri, în premieră pentru România, de către firma băcăuană de pază şi protecţie "Azia Security Sistems".

Prin utilizarea ADN-ului artificial pot fi identificaţi infractorii chiar şi la doi ani de la comiterea faptelor. În ţările occidentale ADN-ul artificial poate fi folosit drept probă în instanţă, potrivit Agerpress.

Preşedintele firmei băcăuane, Ioan Neculcea,  a declarat că folosirea cu succes a ADN-ului artificial în bănci, instituţii publice, şcoli, staţii de benzină, magazine  "a avut ca rezultat, de exemplu în Olanda ori Anglia, scăderea numărului de spargeri şi intrări prin efracţie cu peste 30 la sută".

La eveniment sunt aşteptaţi Neculai Moga, vicepreşedinte al Senatului României, chestorul Gheorghe Popa, adjunctul şefului Poliţiei Române, parlamentari , autorităţi locale.


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12 iul, 2013
Jul16Marty Fried Thanks, Christopher to be honest, at first I wasn't aware of the vusail editor's habit of using full URLs, so in checking that out, I learned something to watch out for. I really don't like the vusail editor personally, but I'm pretty fluent in HTML .I also don't really know of good terms, unless you use partial and complete ; but I suspect most non-technical users probably don't really know the finer points of the terminology, so I usually try to be overly descriptive when I tell them about it.Thanks for the post, by the way. One question, though: does it work automatically? I might want to use it, as my last site got a few bogus URLs because I initially put it up on my demo site, and the user I was working with that added content ended up ing a few before I told her about it; now I understand how it probably happened, so in the future, your function might help prevent this.BTW, I came across your site on the WP-hackers list; I was curious to see if it was really the name of your domain. You'll be glad to know it is. -Marty Fried
09 iul, 2013
At 10 weeks of age it would be very unusual for a puppy to be bnahvieg aggressively. It sounds as though he's just indulging in the very common puppy habit of biting and mouthing!Although this is normal puppy behavior, it's annoying and surprisingly painful, and something you definitely need to stop.If you're consistent in your corrections, he will ease up on the nipping, and eventually grow out of it but for now you need to let him know that this is not acceptablle.It's not aggressive behavior, but it can be sometimes be considered an play for dominance, and it's designed to get your attention. So, the first thing to do is to withdraw your attention from him as soon as he starts biting.Tell him Ouch, NO! loudly and firmly. Then cross your arms, avoid eye contact, turn your back on him if you can, and ignore him for a few moments. If he keeps nipping at you, cross your arms (so your dangling arms and hands don't tempt him!) and walk away.Repeat this every single time he starts biting. Puppies learn through association, and once he begins to associate biting with losing your attention, he'll stop doing it over time.If, after a week or so, this isn't working, or your puppy starts to slip back into his old habits, try spraying your hands, arms, pant cuffs, shoe laces etc. with Bitter Apple. Most puppies hate the taste and will stop mouthing.For persistent stubborn biters who still won't cease and desist', you can use a small spray bottle with water, or a breath freshener spray to stop him in his tracks. Learn how to do this, and get lots more information, tips and advice on dealing with puppy biting at the url below.