SIMONA HALEP, candidat la titlul de sportiva lunii februarie în lume

| 02 mar, 15:52

Simona Halep a fost nominalizata de postul britanic Sky Sports pentru titlul de sportiva lunii februarie, pe lista mai aflandu-se Charlotte Edwards (cricket), Katerina Johnson-Thompson (heptatlon), Lydia Ko (golf), Samantha Murray (pentatlon modern) si Lizzy Yarnold (skeleton).

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In februarie, Halep a castigat turneul Premier 5 de la Dubai, ea cucerind astfel si cel de-al zecelea titlu din cariera. in acest an, Halep a mai castigat turneul de la Shenzen.

Charlotte Edwards (36 de ani) a intrat in istoria cricketului feminin, dupa ce a jucat cel de-al 200-lea meci international pentru Anglia. Ea este detinatoarea recordului mondial de puncte dintre toti jucatorii de cricket cu 2.299.

Katarina Johnson-Thompson (22 de ani) a doborat, in luna februarie, doua recorduri ale Marii Britanii in sala in probele de heptatlon.

Sud-coreeanca Lydia Ko (golf), in varsta de 17 ani, a devenit la inceputul lunii februarie cel mai tanar numar 1 din istorie. Ea este jucatoare profesionista de 18 luni, insa a castigat deja noua turnee LPGA.

Samantha Murray (pentatlon modern) a castigat prima etapa de Cupa Mondiala a sezonului de la Sarasota (SUA).

Lizzy Yarnold (skeleton) a castigat in luna februarie titlul de campioana europeana.


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22 noi, 15:18
Pochettino, Rodgers and Zidane – the big candidates
The two most popular contenders for the managerial position for Manchester United, vacant after yesterday’s resignation of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, are Mauricio Pochettino and Brendan Rodgers. That’s what the British media said today. Zinedine Zidane (realmadrid coach )who is the sole candidate who is available and can begin working immediately. He was also wanted by the BBC the Frenchman isn’t keen on this 20-time English champion right now. He’s more likely to sign with Paris Saint-Germain in case the Parisians are not able to part with Pochettino. As per Sky Sports, the Argentine is currently top of the list potential candidates for Solskjaer’s job. According to the source, the appointment is likely to take place in the summer and, until the conclusion this season Michael Carrick will act as an interim manager. The club announced Michael Carrick, a former player in midfield would be the manager until the appointment of a temporary manager until the close this season. Many people were shocked by the news that a temporary solution is being considered quite a surprise announcement. However, it’s highly probable that Karik will fill this position in the coming summer.

more info here: he latest information about Pochettino, Rodgers and Zidane – the big candidates for the hot post