Surse: Intact șantajează Chevron ca să plătească pentru „protecție mediatică”

| 06 iun, 2013

Trustul media condus de familia Voiculescu derulează în aceste zile, pe lângă campania de lamentații și strigături în apărarea lui Sorin Alexandrescu, o adevărată ofensivă mediatică împotriva gazelor de șist.

Ceea ce ar putea fi considerat în avantajul puținului publicului, dat fiind că asigură măcar o cât de mică diversitate editorială, ar putea fi în realitate expresia unui șantaj în care este implicat trustul Intact.

Surse bine informate, care lucrează în redacțiile trustului Intact, au confirmat pentru că noua campanie derulată de către trustul Intact împotriva gazelor de șist ar fi tocmai un asemenea instrument. Jurnaliștilor li s-a cerut prin ordin de „sus” să critice puternic exploatarea resurselor de care România dispune în acest domeniu ca reacție la faptul că americanii de la Chevron au refuzat să plătească trustului pentru „protecție mediatică”.


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12 iul, 2013
[..YouTube..] hey friend.very nice and deaitl tutorial, however, i was just wondering how you can put in action script outside of an object but still make it works. I mean like for example you creatted it animation inside a symbol kinda like a sprite within the symbol,like u know when u double click on the symbol and something opens up, like to a new animation time line or something like that . because every time i animate something inside of symbol and i then action script it outside of it it just won't work
11 iul, 2013
I saw the movie for The Hunger Games. I figured Ie28099d do a post about some of the siealiritims and differences. So here goese280a6.I thought the movie was extremely close to the actual book. While I was watching it I noticed it even used some of the same lines as in the book. I was a little worried that the movie wouldne28099t be close to the book and somewhat ruin the plot of the story, like some of the Harry Potter movies did. Thankfully the movie was really close to the book. There were only a few minor changes. The first major change that I noticed is how Katniss gets the pin. In the book, she gets it form Madge (Mayor of District 12 s daughter) not from in the Hob like in the movie. This is a very big difference because it is pretty symbolic how Katniss got the pin. I thought all the characters had good actors chosen to play the role. Another difference is at the end when the dogs chasing the last 3 remaining tributes. The dogs were supposed to be more like beasts and the eyes were supposed to match the dead tributes. This might have been a little too creepy for some of the audience the producers were trying to attract. Also Catoe28099s death wasne28099t as violent as it was in the book in the movie. I also was informed that there was some foreshadowing about events that happen in the next book. Some of the scenes in the movie were from the second book rather than the first.All in all, this movie was extremely close to what happened in the book. I thought it was a great movie to go along with a great book. I loved it and I think I am going to see it again. I would recommend you read the book and then see the movie but the movie is a must see.
09 iul, 2013
Whoa, whoa, get out the way with that good inoarmftion.
31 iul, 2013
Shut the fuck up, Chevron kiss ass. Crawl back to where you came from.
06 iun, 2013
Sfanta Spaga
Trustul Intact, Barladul si cu Pennsylvania santajeaza Chevronul. Ca EPA, ca USL, Basescu si Ponta primesc spaga sa taca si sa minte ce vrea Chevron.
06 iun, 2013
surse de kkt, inventati mizerii
mars ma sclavii lui guita, securisti de 2 lei
06 iun, 2013
Greata secu
Rizi ca imbecilul-boule,vezi ca esti in fata unei oglide si mascariciul la care te uiti esti TU,dar la cit creier aveti voi,varaneii de hazna,normal sa nu stii ce ti se-ntimpla!
06 iun, 2013
Chiar esti o GreatZa basisto-uselizda.
31 iul, 2013
Mars tu in a mat-tii, pupincurist Chevron.